Thursday, July 30, 2020

My Dadi's House

My Dadi's house is so big,
It's like there are many treasures to dig.

Though here mosquitoes have made their home,
There's plenty of space to run and roam.

We went up to the highest point of the house one day,
And a beautiful sight we saw, we could say.

In the porch, there is a swing,
In the morning, we can hear the birds sing.

In total, there are upto 11 rooms,
That also excluding the bathrooms.

To believe, it's hard that's true,
There are also many delicacies which my dadi will brew.

Cats will also roam into our house,
Even though, there is not a single mouse.

First, there used to live a family of 5,
A mom, a dad, a brother and two sisters were in this hive.

I come here for the holidays,
And I love this place in many ways.


Sunday, March 8, 2020

Woman Of Might

She is fragile yet so strong
She has traveled a path so long

Her life is no less than an exile
Yet she greets you with a smile

They cut short her going to school
To be tied in a wedlock like a mule

Her dreams and ambitions were made to be shun
If at all she was ever allowed to have some

She tried to find new dreams in her new life
But it was no fairy tale being a wife

Her life-mate who was to stand by her side
Left her alone to face the tide

She now has a lot on her thin shoulders
With responsibilities huge like boulders

She cleans, she cooks, she leaves her kids at home
To babysit yours, while leaving her own alone

To fend for her family she needed to be paid
No teacher, no officer, she is now a housemaid

Life doesn’t always turn the way you expect
For her endurance and strength she has my respect

Give it to the wrecked world clear and loud
With your might and your valor, woman you should be proud

 Dedicated to all the women who stand tall against all odds